Return & Refund Policy

Return and refund policy

(A) Return

If any item you purchased does not meet your expectations, including defective or damaged (not described), you can return it for a refund. Please attach the photo of the item you received to your email contact with our service team for return. In this way, we can improve our service quality and meet your return request as soon as possible.

To qualify for return, please confirm:

Returned items remain unused, undamaged, unwashed original packaging and original packaging with original labels

-You will pay the return shipping fee. For quality-related returns, the return shipping costs are refundable. Items that do not meet the above conditions will be regarded as not eligible for return.

The customer will change his mind and return the item within 14 days from the date of receipt, without explaining the reason, so must be refunded. You can contact us at [email protected] to request a return. After receiving the returned goods, [email protected] must return the refund to the customer's account. The customer can only be charged once for shipping (including returns); consumers cannot be charged for returns to return products.

(B) Damaged product

Any items damaged on arrival can be returned to [email protected] for a full refund. Please note that if the damage is limited to the outer packaging and the contents are intact, the product will not be considered damaged.

For more information about return authorization, please contact us at [email protected]

(C) Return address

If you want to return the goods, please contact us at [email protected]

(D) Refund

Once we return the item, we will refund the item received from you.

The refund will be refunded within 7 working days after receipt of your return and verification, please check your account.

Since we usually process it twice a week, your fund return request may be delayed. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected], and we will reply to you as soon as possible.

(E) Cancel

You can cancel the order before shipping:

(1) If your order has not been shipped, you can get a full refund within 24 hours after purchase.

(2) Your order can only be partially refunded within 24 hours after purchase. If you want to cancel the order,

Please contact us via [email protected]

Company: Young Foliage Trading Co., Limited
Address:Room 21 Unit A, 11/F, Tin Wui Industrial Building, No.3 Hing Wong Street,Tuen Mun,NT, Hong Kong.
Email: [email protected]